2024 Dart Night 2 of 5 on Thursday, February 8, 2024 @ 6 PM
Do., 08. Feb.
|Mike Hopkin's Home
A GTA Annual Tradition!

Zeit & Ort
08. Feb. 2024, 18:00 – 21:00
Mike Hopkin's Home, 2653 Sharondale Cir NE, Atlanta, GA 30305, USA
Über die Veranstaltung
With the win Mike Hopkins won a Bourbon Pecan Pie and earned the privilege of hosting the second dart night. He will be making a big pot of chili. Please let us know if you will attend and what you will bring in this facebook event page and/or the GTA website. (Cornbread limited to two variations).
After first, second and third places are determined, the clock will be set for 30 minutes after which the remaining throwers will throw in a closest to the bulllseye competition. Practice!
Please refrain from parking on Mike’s grass. Joe’s front yard was destroyed at the first dart night (not cool).
1st Mike Hopkins 2nd Tony Graham 3rd Joe Earnest 4th Garrett Polack 5th Ashford Little 6th Frank Polack 7th Glenn Stephens
Darts fly at 7:00.
Driving a classic car earns you a point advantage in the standings.