Revised and Adopted February 17th, 2024.
The following By-Laws have been adopted by The Georgia Triumph Association (GTA) to provide the basic guidelines for the overall operation of the Club. The use of the abbreviation GTA may be used for simplicity throughout this document.
Background - GTA was formed on July 2nd, 1980, by Mike Elder and Terry Allen. GTA became an official local chapter of the Vintage Triumph Register on October 23rd, 1981.
A non-profit car club, GTA enjoys a position of long-standing success and has been responsible for some of the finest car events in the area. The caliber and reputation of GTA tours and events draws entrants from throughout Georgia as well as many surrounding states. GTA members, past and present, have contributed to our long and successful history and supported a variety of charitable organizations.
ARTICLE I - Purpose and Mission
Plan and conduct events that bring the members together for a wide variety of activities, such as frequent drives in the surrounding countryside and mountains to keep the cars exercised and a wide variety of social events.
Conduct tech sessions to help members learn how to update and maintain the cars and even help with repairs as part of the education process.
Organize trips to a variety of car shows, both near and far.
Support worthy charitable causes.
ARTICLE II - Membership
Any individual interested in furthering the aims, ideals, and work of THE GEORGIA TRIUMPH ASSOCIATION may apply for membership. The membership includes the spouse or significant other. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in British Cars, but not limited to Triumph cars, and their preservation and enjoyment.
A member in good standing is any individual or couple whose dues are current and conducts themselves in a manner acceptable to the membership. Membership may be revoked for cause by the Board of Directors at a duly convened meeting.
Regular meetings of the membership shall be held at which time the general business of the club shall be conducted. Such business shall include the establishment of an annual calendar of events, the announcement of special events, regular reports from the Committee Chairs, a financial report, and such additional business as determined by the President and/or the Board of Directors. A quorum at a general meeting shall be a majority of those present and voting.
Dues -Annual Membership dues are established by the membership of the club at a duly convened meeting of the club and may be revised by a majority of the members present at a regularly scheduled meeting of the club. The Membership must be given advanced notice of the proposed change in the dues through the monthly Newsletter or by special notice sent by mail or another electronic format.
Members who have not renewed within 60 days of their renewal will be delinquent and thereby ineligible to participate in the benefits of club membership. Upon payment of the full year's dues, the member will be reinstated.
Members on active duty in the military or public service shall have their annual dues waived.
GTA officer positions shall include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member-at-Large.
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer and shall coordinate and supervise the activities of GTA, as well as be the primary contact for other car clubs.
The Vice President shall be responsible for coordinating the planning and supervision of GTA activities and fill in during the President's absence. As such, he does not have to plan, organize, or lead the events, but should encourage such events to be planned and led by both GTA members and other clubs.
The Secretary shall take notes at meetings and maintain the activity records of GTA.
The Treasurer shall oversee the finances of the club, maintain the bank account, and coordinate the dispersal of funds.
The Member-at-Large shall be a past president and provide support, as necessary, to the other officers.
No officer shall hold more than one position.
Vacancies in any position may be filled by a 2/3 vote of the Officers and Board Members present at a meeting of the Board.
ARTICLE IV - Election of Officers
Officers shall be elected by majority vote and their terms begin January 1st of the new year. Nominations from the floor shall be accepted at the October and November regular monthly meetings and published in the monthly newsletters. Elections shall be by secret ballot at the December Meeting.
Officers shall serve the term prescribed by these By-Laws. Officers are elected to serve a one-year term and consecutive terms if they agree to and are re-elected annually for additional terms.
ARTICLE V - Board of Directors
The club shall be governed by a Board of Directors which shall be composed of seven members who shall include the current president, the current vice-president and 5 Directors selected by the Officers of GTA. Directors shall serve a 2-year term,
unless selected and they agree to additional terms. They will include Membership, Webmaster, Newsletter, and Activities
A quorum of Directors, consisting of a minimum of four members of the Board, is required to hold a vote on any matter pertaining to the club.
Any Officer or Board member who misses 3 consecutive meetings without reasonable justification, as determined by the remaining Board of Directors, shall be dismissed from the Board.
Any Director may be removed from the Board, with cause, by a majority vote of the members present at a general meeting of the club with respect to which notice of such purpose and action shall be given to the membership a minimum of seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.
If a member of the Board resigns or is removed, the remaining members of the Board shall nominate an individual from the membership at large to serve the remainder of said member's term. The nomination shall be distributed to the membership a minimum of seven (7) days in advance of a meeting, with the announcement that an opening exists on the Board and including the length of the term. At the meeting, additional nominations may be made from the floor after which a vote shall be taken. A majority of those present shall be required to elect the new member of the Board.
The Directors, Officers, and other member-held positions of the GTA shall serve without compensation.
ARTICLE VI - Meetings
Regular GTA Meetings shall be held on the, 3rd Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise ordered by the Officers. Place and time of Regular GTA meetings shall be approved by the President.
Special GTA Meetings can be called by the President whenever deemed necessary for any valid reason. Location and time of meetings shall be determined by the President. Location may include such online media as ZOOM, Meeting Place, etc.
Board Meetings shall be held as needed. Place and time of Board Meetings shall be determined by the board president. No official business shall be transacted at any Meeting unless 5 board members are present at the time of business.
Fifteen club members shall constitute a quorum at Regular of Special club meetings.
Five members shall constitute a quorum at Board Meetings.
The President or in his/her absence the Vice-President, or failing him or her, the Member-at-large shall preside at Regular and Special Club Meetings.
The Club shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order in all cases, where applicable, and consistent with these Bylaws.
ARTICLE VII - Committees
The need for standing and special committees or other key positions shall be determined by the Club membership, the Officers, or the Board of Directors and shall be appointed by the President. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
ARTICLE VIII - Amendments
These Bylaws can be presented and amended at a Regular Club Meeting, by two thirds vote of the members present, provided the amendment has been submitted in writing and approved in advance by two thirds vote of the Officers and Board members at a prior Board Meeting.